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Sales & Marketing

The Simple Truth about Creating a Business and Marketing Plan (BAP01)

  • The Simple Truth About Creating a Business and Marketing Plan | Noel Kennedy sample
  • Examining the Last 12 Months
  • Top 5 achievements
  • 5 difficulties you overcame
  • What did you learn about your career and yourself?
  • Did you meet your goals?
  • Did you meet your business goals?
  • List the surprises that came up
  • What are you keeping for 2022?
  • What are you changing or getting rid of in 2022?
  • Examining The Numbers
  • How many transactions did you close?
  • What was your total closed dollar amount?
  • What was your gross commission?
  • What was your net income?
  • What was your client acquisition cost?
  • How much did it cost you to list a house?
  • What was your #1 Lead Source?
  • Who was your #1 referrer?
  • What apps/programs/coaching are you not using
  • Renegotiate cell phone plans & other utilities.
  • What apps/programs in your tech stack can you consolidate?
  • How do we make & meet our Goals? With a Business Plan…
  • Description & Mission Statement
  • Analyze your competitive environment
  • What is your value proposition?
  • Update branding standards/logos/profile pics
  • Who Is your Client (avatar)?
  • What is the lead source for each avatar/niche?
  • How will I warm up/convert each niche?
  • Update Buyers Consult Presentation & System
  • Update Listing Presentation & System
  • Customer retention & Thank You program/events
  • What tools do I need & what is the cost?
  • How do I defray some of my marketing costs?
  • Who Do You Need On The Team?
  • Financial plan and projections
  • Next 12 Month Annual Goals
  • List your Personal Goals
  • List your Mindset Goals
  • List your Business Goals
  • What is your total closed dollar amount goal?
  • What is your gross commission goal?
  • What is your net Income goal?
  • What is your client acquisition cost?
  • Breaking down goals
  • List your the things that motivate you
  • Date Nights With Your Business
  • Date with your money
  • Date night with your lead generation
  • Date Night With Your Goals
  • Final Thoughts
  • Share Your Thoughts
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever